A Manager, Not A Coach, For The Super Eagles! –Odegbami

What the Super Eagles need is a manager and not a coach.

In the national team, there is  less coaching and more player management; less technical training and more tactical planning – a very thin but delicate difference.

Coaching is about teaching players the rudiments of how and what to play through repeated practise. Management is telling them what strategies to play at short notice, and hoping they do so!

Coaching requires a lot of time and rehearsals to master a winning strategy.

Managing is a quick-fix of tactics and organisation.

That’s why the best coaches of clubs hardly ever consider being managers of national teams. The two roles have very different approaches.

Also Read: Random Thoughts On Football Associations! –Odegbami

The best news out of African football is that Nigeria has finally bowed to the voices of reason to end the ugly, mental enslavement of coaches on the basis

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